Tuesday, July 26, 2011

那谁 - 苏永康 [ How to forget someone? ]

那誰 (劇場版)- 那誰沒有下次

主唱:蘇永康 聲演:卓韻芝
編曲:Johnny Yim
監製:舒文@Zoo Music


嘗試喺搜尋引擎器裏面輸入 How to forget
How to forget someone

你和那誰那天分手 你淚痕像條綠色的銹
頑固地種在眼睛一角 直到永久 抹不走

但是浮游在生活亂流 你那新生你也必須接受
就算多悔咎 自責別太久 不要戀戀心裡那個傷口

渡日月 穿山水 尚在恨 那誰
誰曾無堅不摧 摧毀的廢墟
一早 變做你美好新居
創疤你不挖 亦不知有過 在這裡

淚叠淚 風一吹 漸莫辨 那誰
連重提 往事也 不再絕對
她怎傷害你 講起 你沒再吐苦水

我可以好肯定話俾你知 冇方法
你話 感覺會隨時間凋淡
我明呀 問題係我而家好唔開心呀

有時你還覺得溫馨 這淚流像存在的表證

沒有恨過便更加彷似 白過半生 冷清清

像突然忘掉尊姓大名 卻記得她教你差點喪命
是創傷太重 或覺悟太輕 使你不懂釋放怨懟的根性

渡日月 穿山水 尚在恨 那誰
誰曾無堅不摧 摧毀的廢墟
一早 變做你美好新居
創疤你不挖 亦不知有過 在這裡

淚叠淚 風一吹 漸莫辨 那誰
連重提 往事也不再絕對
她怎傷害你 感恩 替代了那苦水

不見得 就要聽到春天也恐懼
可以不唏噓 可以不心虛 放低跨過去

其實呢 放膽去愛 好犀利

渡日月 穿山水 尚在恨 那誰
誰曾無堅不摧 摧毀的廢墟
一早 變做了滿山青翠
敏感處不碰 便不知你葬著心碎

若舊夢 不堪追 就別問 那誰
從何時 你學會 灑脫面對  (愛都識咯 學埋放手囉)
她怎傷害你 可否 就當做老天
完整你那 沒挫敗波折一生之旅
功德圓滿 方可愛下去 帶笑歸去

吖 唔記得咗講
你原本想喺搜尋引擎器裏面輸入 How to forget
但係當你輸入到 How to f-o-r-g……嘅時候
搜尋器會自動彈出一句 How to forgive yourself

When you sit in front of your computer and you try to search from a search engine...
"how to forget?" Then, the first result you get will be "how to forget someone..." and it is most searchable phrase in the world . . .

When you try to type "how to f.o.r.g..." in a search engine and you will get the result... "how to forgive yourself..."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

You Light Up My Life - Raymond Lam Fung

My Sister of External Flower (OST)

You are my sunshine~

You make me all right~~ ta ra~ ta da~ Make me all right~

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Does a girl only consider to be the partner to a guy after knowing whether the guy has 5C's or not?

This morning the DJs in OneFM radio station was discussing about this topic.

What are the 5C's?

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
Credit Card
5 -

I have all of them! So what! Who cares! It is still not easy for me to get one though...

1 -
Condominium --> A "tiny" service apartment . . .
2 -
Car --> A "cute" 5 seated car . . .
3 -
Cash --> A "little" more than enough to feed myself for a year . . .
4 -
Credit Card --> A card with a "Trojan Head" and a card with "Five Red Bars". . .
5 -
Certificate/Career --> An Electronics Engineering certificate for a "Bachelor" and a job with a courier company that is in "Yellow" . . .

I am too choosy or 5C's are outdated already?

My friend told me that maybe the updated version should be 5B's . . .

1 -
Bungalow (own a big house is way better and more spacious...)
2 -
BMW (own a big car is more comfortable and stylish...)
3 -
Bank (own a bank is sufficient to feed whole family for generations...)
4 -
Bond (own something that can earn interest rather than something that owe interest...)
5 -
Boss (own a business is more profitable and more secure...)

Maybe my friend is right . . . This is the reality!
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