Friday, December 10, 2010

Alviss Kong, R.I.P. . .

A photo of him from his Facebook profile. He was a handsome guy.

His happy moments with his girlfriend.

Chinese version of his last note.

English version of his last note.

Last 45 minutes of his life. His sister and his family must be very sad over his death.

I was sad when I heard this news. I felt we were alike.
When reading his last note, I thought back of myself 12 months ago.
His story was just like mirror to mine. I understood his feelings.
I did not do it maybe because at that time, some of my friends' words had made me realized something or maybe because I did not fall in love as much as him.
I felt sorry for him and his family. It was indeed a grief.
He was blinded by his intuition. He thought he could show how deep was his love towards his girlfriend with his action. Yet, with all the photos exposed, his last note and the attention from the public, his girlfriend would not have a peaceful life and might be haunted by this incident forever. This was not the right way to show L.O.V.E. This was not the right way to solve problem as well.
Sorry if I offended anyone. I just wanted to express what was in my mind.
I wish everyone has learned a lesson from this. Hope everyone will cherish and appreciate the people around them and be more serious in a relationship.

人世间情为何物... 直叫人生死相许...



  1. yup!! u r right! ^^ Tank's song is nice.. ^^

  2. Yaya. His songs are nice especially love song ;)

  3. I like both his 专属天使 n 非你莫属. :)


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