Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jewish Night

I was invited by C to join her and her friends for the Jewish Dinner at her church.

The table was so long. It could fit in around 50 - 60 people on this long table. There were 5 of them. Thus, the people who attended this event would be around 250 -300 people. It was so warm to have dinner with so many people ^^
The same food provided for everyone. There are steps in eating these food and also there is meaning behind each of them.
Look healthy and clean but for sure one could not be full by eating these things. Luckily, there were other food served after we finished all these food. All of the vegetables were eaten by dipping into the salty water. The most "challenging" part was to eat the bitter gourd. It was quite bitter to be eaten like that. There were four small cups of grape wine served as well.

*It was believed that if goat blood was smeared onto the door, the God of Death would passed over their house and would not enter their houses.

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