Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gathering at Kelana Jaya Stadium on Wednesday, 8 May 2013 at 8.30 pm with Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim

LDP on 8 May 2013 at 3.20 pm

LDP on 8 May 2013 at 8.50 pm

LDP was filled with cars. More and more people were heading to the Stadium to support the gathering...

There were reported to be more than 50,000 people to join the gathering while thousands were stuck in the traffic jam along LDP to join in. 

Videos and photos were posted everywhere through the Internet.

More than 40,000 people (may or may not be Malaysian), who were viewing the live broadcast at Youtube from their home in either this country or other countries around the world.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was seen riding a motorcycle to the stadium to join the crowd.

More reading and details at:

Anwar Ibrahim Blog

The Malaysian Insider

Youtube Malaysia Kini


Monday, May 6, 2013

This is extremely funny! LOL :P

The Blackout Magic Trick (source from Facebook)

Rakyat cuma mahu suara mereka didengar. Tidak sepatutnya menyarahi sesuatu kaum dengan menggunakan istilah seperti "Tsunami Cina"

Malay version:

Rakyat cuma mahu suara mereka didengari dan hak untuk mengundi.

Tidak sepatutnya menyarahi sesuatu kaum dengan menggunakan istilah seperti "Tsunami Cina".

Bagaimana seseorang pemimpin memimpin kita jikalau beliau sendiri ialah seorang yang akan mencetuskan perbalahan sesama kaum dengan menggunakan istilah seperti itu?

Seseorang pemimpin tidak sepatutnya membuat penyataan seperti itu yang boleh membahayakan keharmonian sesama kaum.

Ingatlah bahawa pengundi untuk kedua-dua pihak terdiri daripada semua kaum dan kaum Cina bukan kaum yang terbesar di negara ini seperti maklum oleh semua orang.

Ini bukan soal perkauman.

Jadi, jangan dipengaruhi atau cuba mencetuskan perbalahan sesama kaum dengan menggunakan istilah seperti "Tsunami Cina".

Ini soal pembangunan negara dan perubahan untuk mencapai kemajuan negara yang lebih baik.

Seandainya, anda seorang Melayu, Cina, India atau dari kaum-kaum lain yang bekerja dengan seorang majikan Melayu, Cina, India atau dari kaum-kaum lain untuk sekalian lama dan berhasrat untuk bertukar kerja untuk mencari kerja dan majikan yang lebih baik.

Tiba-tiba majikan sekarang berkata beliau mahu menaikkan gaji anda sebanyak RM 100.

Mungkin ada dikalangi anda yang akan terus bekerja dengan majikan sekarang kerana kenaikan gaji yang tidak seberapa itu.

Tetapi ada juga yang akan memilih untuk bertukar kerja biarpun gaji sama atau lebih rendah daripada kerja sekarang kerana mereka berfikir kerja dan majikan baru ini mungkin akan membantu mereka mencapai kejayaan yang lebih baik dan masa depan yang lebih cerah.

Katakan anda dihalang oleh majikan sekarang daripada bertukar kerja dengan cara kotor dan tidak saksama.

Adakah anda masih rela bekerja bersungguh-sungguh dengan majikan sekarang?

Pilihan anda telah dilucut sesama sekali.

Semua orang sepatutnya mempunyai hak mereka untuk membuat pilihan masing-masing.

Jadi, marilah kita sama-sama meletakkan persengketaan dan berfikir secara waras untuk membangunkan negara.

The people just wanted to be heard and had their rights to vote. No such thing as "Chinese Tsunami"!

The people just wanted to be heard and had their rights to vote.

No such thing as "Chinese Tsunami"!

How to be a good leader to lead us if the leader himself is also being a racist?

A leader should not make such statement that may harm the harmony among the races.

Remember that the voters for both sides are from all races and not to mention that Chinese is not the biggest race in this country.

It's not a racial issue.

Thus, we should not be influenced or tried to create a havoc among the races by using the term such as "Chinese Tsunami".

It's about the development of the nation and a change for a better country.

Let's say...

You are a Malay, Chinese, Indian or from other races, who works with either a Malay, Chinese, Indian boss or a boss from other races for some time, and now you wish to find a new job to look for a better job and boss.

Suddenly, your current boss offers you an increment of MYR100.

Some of you may stay to continue working with the current boss because of that small increment/benefit.

Yet, some of you may choose to change to a new job even if the wage is the same or even lower than the current job because they think they can be more successful and have a better future.

However, if the current boss stops you from changing to the new job by doing something "dirty".

Are you still willing to work with the current boss with all your heart?

Your choice is totally taken away from you.

All the people should have their rights to make their own choices.

Thus, let's put away our discrimination, our hatred, our selfishness and anything that may harm each other and think wisely together to create a better future for everyone.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I had realized my responsibility as a Malaysia citizen this afternoon

This was the first time I went for voting.

A little excited ^^

Just finished voting. My finger was painted with inedible ink.

About half an hour to one hour after voting, I could easily wash until like this. It might look slightly dark red but not as dark as expected but it's still acceptable to show that I had voted.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Amber Chia Academy 3rd Graduation 2013

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